Department of Life and Environmental Sciences

Via Brecce Bianche, 12 – Polo Universitario Alfredo Trifogli, Monte Dago – Ancona
tel. 071.220.4511 –

Segreteria Studenti: tel. 071.220.4341 –

Bachelor’s Degree Courses

The Biological Sciences Course includes twenty exams and practical laboratory and internship activities. During your studies, you will acquire theoretical and operational grounding in various biology fields enabling you to carry out biological and instrumental broad-spectrum analyses, aimed at both research and monitoring, and at control activities in the fields of industrial and environmental biology.

Course fully offered in English

We mould professionals with knowledge in the fields of environment and ecosystems, global changes, hydrogeological, seismic and volcanic hazards, environmental pollution and degradation, monitoring techniques and environmental remediation technologies.

Master’s Degree Courses

The Bachelor’s Course is divided into two curricula: Biological Technologies and Nutrition Sciences. These courses have common educational activities that fall into the fields of cellular and molecular biology.

Course fully offered in English

The course allows for the deepening of knowledge in biology and ecology of organisms, habitats and monitoring, health and changes in the environment in which they live. The course aims to…

Course fully offered in English

We train professionals able to manage, in an integrated way, issues related to environmental degradation and to extreme natural events (earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, landslides, floods).

Graduates will combine the competencies of a nutritionist with the skills resulting from the study of the functions and nutritional value of food, as well as food manufacturing and processing.