Professional Education

Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia

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Professional Education

Course deactivated for the a.y. 2025/2026

Degree code
SNT2 – Health-care occupations in rehabilitation
Restricted at national level, n. 25 places
Lectures On site

Features and aims of the course


Graduate students in Professional education must have acquired knowledge in the most relevant pedagogical, psychological, sociological, and medical theory, as well as in the correspondent intervention models in the fields of education and welfare. They must have knowledge and understanding of theoretical models concerning the topic of identity and changes in individuals and groups, acquire key elements of epistemological and methodological foundations typical of research activities in educational phenomena, with particular valorisation of interdisciplinary knowledge, which include pedagogy, psychology, sociology and medicine.

Professional Educators must be able to evaluate educational and assistance programs and interventions by taking into account their scientific value and adequacy with respect to the expressed requests and needs, and their effectiveness with respect to expected results. They must be able to adjust educational and assistance initiatives in response to epidemiological and socio-economic specificities of the territory.


Subjects in the biomedical field, professional-oriented disciplines, law, pedagogical area, psychological area, socio-anthropological area. Particular relevance is given to subjects related to the Methodology of Professional Education in the pedagogical and psychological area, with the aim of acquiring professional skills.

The study of Psychiatry and Pathological Addictions allow the student to reflect on pathological and deviant behaviours by taking into account the individual personality, while biomedical subjects allow the student to acquire the knowledge in the field of health-care essential to practise the profession. Through internship activities (75 hours during the Bachelor’s program) students acquire relational, planning and evaluation skills set out in the internship training objectives.


The professional educator is an expert in helping relationships, highly skilled in designing, managing and implementing educational and rehabilitative activities aimed at socially fragile people of all ages, in the areas of psychophysical and sensory disability, drug and pathological addiction, mental health, non self-sufficient elderly, minors at risk of marginalization and deviance.

The professional educator can work:

  • Within Public institutions of the National Health Service
  • Within Local institutions and social enterprises
  • Within Public and private structures
  • Within Health and / or social organisations
  • On the field (e. g. home-visit activities, carried out on behalf of an employer or as a freelancer).

In 2019 a Professional register was set within the Order of Medical Radiologist Technicians (TSMR) to protect the figure of Professional educators.


Through this course students have the opportunity to explore, experiment and reflect on their inner side while acquiring and activating rehabilitative behaviours aimed at the subjectivity of others, by activating a path of personal growth that leads to the required competence. For this reason, lectures are interactive and encourage a dynamic relationship between professors and students.

The richness and variety of the training offer is also due to the fact that lectures are held by professors practising the profession of Professional Educator, who bring to students the topicality of the job.


Course Coordinator:
Prof.ssa Barbara Osimani

Direttrice ADP: Daniela Saltari

Ufficio Orientamento e Tutorato
Tel: +39 071 2203037 – 3038

The course in numbers


is the employability rate within the first year after graduation


of Graduate students are satisfied with the study choice


of students are satisfied with professors’ clarity


of students are satisfied with professors’ availability