
Faculty of Medicine and Surgery

Home » Our Courses » Medicine and Surgery » Physiotherapy


Area Medicine and Surgery
Degree Code
L/SNT2 Health Professions for Rehabilitation
National Admission Test – No. 60 places
Venue Ancona, Via Tronto 10/B, Torrette, 60126 AN – (35 places)
Ascoli Piceno, Via degli Iris, 63100 AP – (25 places)
Lectures On site

Features and aims of the course


The course is designed to help students become professional physiotherapists that will work with patients and their families or carers to prevent and treat health problems experienced as a result of illness, injury and disability. They work for optimal rehabilitation on a physical, psychological, social and occupational level.

The knowledge and skills the students will acquire will constitute their cultural, scientific and relational background, which is necessary to become highly professional therapists. They will learn how to understand, manage and treat the pathologies that require rehabilitation in patients of all ages. The programme offers both classroom and practical sessions with the possibility to use rehabilitation equipment and devices under the supervision of teachers and tutors.


The programme covers disciplines such as biochemistry, physics, statistics, anatomy, physiology, pathology, psychology and sociology. Through the study of these subjects, students will acquire a solid knowledge of fundamental aspects; integrated biological functions of human organs and systems; statical methods for the study of the phenomena underpinning human individual and social life; emergency and first-aid concepts in combination with the specific subjects of the course.

Students will develop knowledge and skills in the following subjects: neurology, orthopedics, pediatrics, cardiology, urology, pneumology, gastroenterology, infant neuropsychiatry, radiology, psychology, medical rehabilitation and physiotherapic technics. Students will be introduced to the key concepts underpinning human and behavioural sciences, professional ethics, deontology, physiopathology of physical activity, diseases of the locomotor apparatus and of the autonomous  central or peripheral nervous system,  physiotherapy methods and techniques, aetiology and pathogenesis of diseases, clinical pathologies, persons’ care, maternal and child healthcare, professional management, useful for the students professional development in work settings.


Physiotherapists can work independently or in cooperation with other healthcare professionals. They are healthcare professionals that work for the promotion, restoration and maintenance of health and wellbeing. They help restore movement and higher cortical and visceral functions resulting from congenital or acquired pathologies.


The course includes laboratory activities and efficient teaching methods such as service-learning, which actively engages participants in meaningful and personally relevant service activities, for the implementation of their competences, and the creation of links with the territory (presence in public events such as the Half Marathon of Ancona).

Students are the focus of the many briefing meetings that take place to monitor the quality of the education and collect suggestions for further improvements in a spirit of ongoing training, reasoning, constructive dialogues and concrete actions for the growth of our students, ready to train even abroad thanks to the numerous bilateral agreements we have concluded with important universities in Europe.


Course Coordinator:
Prof.ssa Monica Mattioli Belmonte Cima

Ancona ADP Coordinator:
Dott.ssa Paola Casoli

Ascoli Piceno ADP Coordinator:
Dott.ssa Oletta Serpilli

Ufficio Orientamento e Tutorato
Tel: +39 071 2203037 – 3038

The course in numbers


of graduate students employed three years after graduation.


of Graduate students are satisfied with the study choice


of students are satisfied with professors’ clarity


of students are satisfied with professors’ availability