Childhood Neuro and Psychomotricity

Faculty of Medicine and Surgery

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Childhood Neuro and Psychomotricity

Course deactivated for the a.y. 2025/2026

Medicine and Surgery
Degree Code
SNT2 Health professions for Rehabilitation
National Admission Test – No. 20 places
Venue Macerata, Domus San Giuliano, Via Cincinelli 4, 62100 MC
Lectures On site

Features and aims of the course


This course is included in the Degree Class of Healthcare Rehabilitation Degree programmes. This course is designed to train students to become healthcare professionals who work at the prevention, treatment, assessment, habilitation and rehabilitation of children and adolescents with developmental neuro-psychomotor, neuropsychological and psychopathological disorders. They are usually part of a multi-professional team of experts in child neuropsychiatry and pediatrics.


Each year of this three-year course consists of two semesters.

The first-year modules are designed to provide a sound foundation in the basic sciences of rehabilitation. In the following two years the course is primarily focused on providing core and integrated training sessions.

On completion of this course, CNP graduates will have developed:

  • knowledge of foundation disciplines such as physics, statistics, information technology, sociology, general and social pedagogy, general psychology, biochemsitry, human anatomy, physiology, general pathology;
  • in-depth knowledge of the disciplines that are key for the profession of therapist such as neuropsychiatric and rehabilitative techniques, neuropsychiatry in childhood, general and specialistic pediatry, physical and rehabilitative medicine;
  • knowledge of associated and integrative subjects related to human and psychopedagogic sciences, health management sciences, interdisciplinary and first-aid sciences, including neurology, psychiatry, physiatry and internal medicine.


Graduates from this course will be able to work in cooperation with school operators for the prevention, the functional diagnosis and the planning of personalized educational strategies. They will also be able to study, conduct research and reporting. They will work in the NHS, in public and private care homes, clinics, rehabilitation centers, in state and local education centers.


Representatives of the Rehabilitation Healthcare Professions share the opinion that the profession of CNP therapist will stay in high demand for the next ten years. The annual report on job analysis (annual report of the national conference of the degree courses in health professions of 4 December 2019 shows that 84,2% of 2017 CNP graduates found a job in their field of study within 1 year from their graduation, ranking first for career opportunities among all graduates from degree courses in health professions.

Students will be provided with high-quality devices and equipment which they will be allowed to use when working or conducting research. They will also carry out placements under the supervision of experts in organizations cooperating with UNIVPM within the region.


Course Coordinator:
Prof.ssa Maria Rita Rippo

ADP Coordinator:
Dott.ssa Cristina Cavalera

Ufficio Orientamento e Tutorato
Tel: +39 071 2203037 – 3038


Webinar Open Day (Ita)

08 apr 2022
