Faculty of Engineering

Via Brecce Bianche, 12 – Polo Universitario Alfredo Trifogli, Monte Dago – Ancona
tel. 071.220.4778 – presidenza.ingegneria@univpm.it

Students’ Admission Office: tel. 071-220 4938 / 071-220 4237 – segreteria.ingegneria@univpm.it


This course is part of the Department of Information Engineering, and aims to provide the student with a solid interdisciplinary education based on the integration of technical-biological knowledge and skills.

The main objective is to train engineers who are able to design and manage works and infrastructures typical of the civil sector (e.g. buildings, roads, airports, harbours, purification plants), and to work in the field of environmental protection regarding natural and anthropogenic risks (air quality control and management, waste characterization and treatment); thus, training engineers capable of contributing to the design and construction process in the civil and environmental engineering sphere.

The Bachelor’s in Building Engineering aims both at training professionals with technical skills necessary to operate as middle management in the building sector and related production processes, as well as training graduates who can successfully pursue a Masters’ degree program.

This course is part of the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) sector, which represents the engine of global economic growth. In fact, in this field, the employment rate and the added value grow faster than in the entire industrial sector.

Management Engineering

Venue: Fermo

The course trains professional figures capable of holding organizational and managerial roles for which basic skills of technological and economic/managerial nature are required.

The course has a highly interdisciplinary approach that aims to model engineers with solid educational background in basic ICT subjects and in disciplines that characterize that field (computer science, industrial automation, electronics, telecommunications), all the while letting them specialize in specific aspects of modern computer systems development and in robotic, industrial and mechatronic systems modelling and control.

The course is designed to prepare students to become engineering professionals for the industrial sector. The course equips students with the methods and tools necessary to improve their knowledge and  stay updated with innovations in the long run, thereby considering the constant scientific and technological evolution.

We educate professionals able to manage the design, programming and development of videogames, multimedia software, augmented, virtual and extended reality systems to be used in any application context…
This course, developed together with University of Urbino, will train students to become highly-skilled engineers with an in-depth technical understanding of mechanics, electronics, energy and materials, that will enable them to identify efficient and environmentally sustainable solutions for industrial systems.

Admission restricted

“Techniques for Territorial Design and Management” is a degree course which aims to provide students with professional training and expertise over three academic years.  It is a career-oriented degree. Students who successfully complete the course will be able to join the Professional Register (in Italy Collegio dei Geometri), and therefore become eligible to practise as a Qualified Surveyor.

Admission restricted

This professionalizing course aims to provide students with the skills necessary to practice their profession.
The course is structured so that, in addition to grounding, vocational subjects are introduced by the first year in order to train engineers…


Course fully offered in English

The Course starts from the basic knowledge acquired by students within the Bachelor’s Degree in Biomedical Engineering and deepens and integrates such knowledge with advanced and specialized knowledge in both traditional and innovative biomedical sectors.

The main objective of the course is to train engineers to plan, design, implement, and manage civil engineering works and buildings and to operate in the sector of environmental protection from natural and man-made hazards.

The Masters’ Degree course in Building Engineering forms a new profile of construction engineers. This new professional profile has not only the typical competencies of the Building engineer, in topics such as integrated building design, construction management, technology of structures and installations, but also in the new sectors of strategic importance and in topics such as…

The Masters’ Degree in Electronics Engineering is part of the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) sector, which represents the engine of global economic growth.

Course fully offered in English

The course objective is to train future engineers, expert in dealing with complex problems and in designing solutions related to environmental and land issues such as water and energy resources, soil conservation, pollution reduction, and environment and land protection.

Management Engineering

Venue: Fermo

The Master’s Degree Course is aimed at training high-profile professionals able to hold managerial roles with a high level of organizational autonomy, for which the ability to combine technological and economic knowledge is of fundamental importance. The peculiarity is represented by the ability to integrate this knowledge with environmental and social ones, related to the management of the many aspects connected to the production, logistics and provision of services.

The course aims to train highly qualified professionals with remarkable design skills in the most advanced fields of automation and IT systems, such as non-linear control, mechatronic, and robotic system control, distributed computing infrastructures and systems, data management and advanced data analysis, artificial intelligence, and cybersecurity.

The study plan offers a comprehensive and multidisciplinary view of the integrated process of product, system and plant development, and is itself divided into 4 curricula, whose contents have been defined in close collaboration with a large number of companies operating in a wide variety of sectors, both nationally and internationally.

Course fully offered in English

The course has an international character, and it is held in English by professors highly active not only in research but also in education; moreover the course has been thought in strong cooperation with University of Urbino and with industries operating in international markets.

The Master’s Degree Program in Energetic Infrastructures and Logistics in Port Engineering is open for admission and aims to train professionals capable of independently conceiving, designing, and managing logistics, energy, and technological infrastructure in port areas, as well as mechanical design and, in general, engineering issues related to naval interests. It also focuses on leading innovation processes and conducting highly complex research and development activities.


Admission restricted Course partially offered in English

The course provides the cultural and scientific knowledge necessary to work in the building sector, as well as the theoretical and practical training to become a professional design engineer.