Faculty of Economics
“Giorgio Fuà”

Piazzale Martelli, 8 – Polo Villarey – Ancona
tel. 071.220.7000 – presidenza.economia@univpm.it

Segreteria Studenti: tel. 071.220.7215 – segreteria.economia@univpm.it

Bachelor’s Degree Courses

Admission: Free Language: Italian Venue: Ancona
The programme provides an extensive education and training in the economic field, useful both for accessing the job market and the continuation of studies in the Master’s degree programmes.
Admission: Free Language: Italian Venue: San Benedetto del Tronto

The Course is open to students who aim to work as middle/junior managers or consultants in the different business functions, in companies and organisations, of every nature, size, economic sector and national context, and to continue their studies with a master’s degree course in the field of business administration. The distinctive features of the Course are its highly professionalising nature and the attention paid to the digitalisation processes that affect companies and that make it necessary to train professional figures able to manage them and to deal with the changes they entail.

Admission: Free Language: English Venue: Ancona

The Bachelor’s degree in Digital Economics and Business is a three-year degree course entirely taught in English with an interclass structure, which aims to integrate skills in the economic and business fields with IT skills and integrated database analysis skills…

Admission: Free Language: Italian Venue: San Benedetto del Tronto

The course, currently the only one planned at this level within the Italian context, aims to provide innovative, multidisciplinary, and functional training for the sustainable management of companies and institutions involved in the fishing and aquaculture supply chain. This encompasses various sectors related to the production, distribution, processing, sale, and use of fishery products.

Master’s Degree Courses

Admission: Free Language: Italian Venue: Ancona

This Degree Course is designed to enable students to work in different financial fields, like banking and insurance, as actuaries, financial analysts and consultants. The course aims at teaching the fundamentals of economics, business management, statistics and law.

Admission: Free Language: English Venue: Ancona

The aim of the Master’s degree program in International Economics and Commerce is to train personnel with extensive economic and business competencies.

Admission: Free Language: Italian Venue: Ancona

This second-cycle degree course is suited for students interested in a career as managers, entrepreneurs and consultants. The course will enable participants to develop the utmost theoretical and practical skills required to understand and solve business problems.

Admission: Free Language: Italian Venue: San Benedetto del Tronto
This course aims at training students in the management of the Public Administration, Healthcare Agencies, Social Services, Social Territories, non-profit organizations, and of the related associations and networks.
Admission: Free Language: English – Italian Venue: Ancona

This program trains experts with multidisciplinary expertise in sustainability management, i.e., understanding the influence of ESG (environmental, social, and governance) criteria on business decisions, strategies, and policymaking.

Course partially offered in English
Admission: Free Language: English – Italian Venue: Ancona

This new program trains experts in big data analysis and quantitative methods applied to economic, business, and financial contexts. It combines technical skills (programming, statistics, econometrics, machine learning) with advanced knowledge in business analytics and financial economics.

1st curriculum fully offered in English
2nd curriculum partially offered in English