Land and Agricultural Sciences

Department of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Sciences

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Land and Agricultural Sciences (LAS)

Degree code
LM 69 – Agricultural Science and Technology
Free – The adequacy of students’ knowledge will be tested
Lectures On site

Features and aims of the course


The Master’s Degree Course in ‘Agricultural and Territorial Sciences’ trains professionals specialized in the sustainable and inclusive management of agricultural systems, in organic and integrated agriculture contexts. The course is divided into three curricula: ‘Crop production and protection’, ‘Social agriculture’ and ‘Genomics, Biotechnology and Biodiversity’. The ‘Crop Production and Protection’ curriculum trains graduates capable of managing plant production in an innovative way, guaranteeing the best compromise between qualitative and quantitative aspects, in order to guarantee the farmer’s income while respecting the environment and the health of the consumer. The ‘Social Agriculture’ curriculum trains an innovative professional figure capable of managing sustainable agricultural and livestock systems and relating to interlocutors with different skills, in multifunctional companies that offer socio-labour, socio-educational and socio-health services to categories of subjects fragile. The ‘Genomics, Biotechnology and Biodiversity’ curriculum trains graduates capable of using all biotechnology techniques, both conventional and advanced, in order to collaborate in the development of research and technological application projects in sectors of agricultural and environmental interest.


The first year of the course offers mostly common teachings, which will develop topics related to:

  • Territorial agronomy,
  • Herbaceous cropping systems,
  • Agricultural economics and policy
  • Chemistry and biochemistry of pesticides
  • Protection of biodiversity and landscape
  • Genetic improvement and genetic engineering
  • Nursery and biotechnology in arboriculture.

In the second year the different training areas will develop into three specialized curricula:

  • Production and protection of crops (Viticulture, Olive growing, Biological and integrated pest control, Protection from plant diseases)
  • Social agriculture (Social fruit and vegetable growing, Well-being and development in social agriculture, Mental health problems and prospects for social integration and Social zootechnics)
  • Genomics, Biotechnology and Biodiversity (Bio-molecular techniques, Evolution of domesticated species and agricultural genetic resources, Genomics applied to genetic improvement, Bioinformatic tools and Molecular diagnostics)


You will be able to exploit your expertise as:

  • An agronomist and forester
  • A researcher and graduated technician in agricultural science, zootechnics, and animal production

A consultant/ freelancer or employee within:

  • Small, medium, and large private agricultural holdings, interested in developing innovations, as well as in growing, managing, processing, and commercializing quality-certified agri-food products;
  • Public and private companies carrying out research activities and operating in the production processes within the following sectors and industries: mechanical, engineering, agrochemical, zootechnical, genetic, and biotechnology;
  • Agricultural producers’ associations, professional associations, and trade organisations;
  • Public sector bodies;
  • Laboratories dealing with physical, chemical, biological, and plant-health tests;
  • National and international bodies of the agricultural sector dealing with aid programs aimed to countries in transition and the developing world (FAO, WORLD BANK, etc.).


Course Coordinator:
Prof. Francesco Solfanelli

Ufficio Orientamento e Tutorato
Tel: +39 071 2203037 – 3038



Webinar Open Day

22 mar 2021



The course in numbers


is the employability rate in the 1st year after the graduation

25% are engaged in post-graduate training activities (research doctorate or internships)


of graduates are satisfied with their study path


of students are satisfied with the professors’ clarity


of students are satisfied with professors’ availability