Forest and Environmental Sciences

Department of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Sciences

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Forest and Environmental Sciences (FES)

Area Agriculture
Degree code L-25, Agricultural and forest sciences and technologies
Language Italian
Admission Free
Venue Ancona
Lectures On site

Features and aims of the course


Thanks to a training portfolio that includes fundamental, specific, and professional-oriented disciplines, the course provides both, the necessary knowledge to enrol in the MA program in Forest, Soils, and Landscape Sciences, and the necessary professional skills to access the labour market. Graduate students will be able to apply an integrated knowledge in natural and semi-natural ecosystems to approach the numerous challenges related to a sustainable use and conservation of forest and environmental resources, as well as to land and biodiversity planning and management. Through this course, students will develop a broad prospective on management issues such as protection and valorisation of forest and environmental resources (in particular of the mountain land), and some knowledge in novel methodologies for the management and monitoring of forest and environmental resources.


Beside fundamental disciplines (chemistry, physics, mathematics, biology), generally taught in scientific programs, this course offers the following subjects:

  • Forest genetics
  • Plant ecology and geobotany
  • Entomology and forest zoology
  • Mountain agronomy
  • Animal nutrition and extensive farming
  • Forest botanics
  • Dendrometry and silviculture
  • Forest pathology
  • Forest pedology
  • Geomatics
  • Management of forestry water systems
  • Forestry mechanics and mechanisation
  • Forest and environmental economics and surveying


The course in Forest and Environmental Sciences enables graduate students to undertake the State examination to qualify for professional practice (Section B, degree-qualified professional foresters junior) and to be added to the Official register of degree-qualified professional foresters/agronomists. Moreover, the course in Forest and Environmental Sciences enables graduate students to undertake the qualification exam to acquire the licence of land surveyor and agrotechnician.
Students will be entitled to access also:

  • The Italian nationalauthority “Carabinieri Forestali”, Regional and provincial (including Autonomous Regions and Provinces) Forestry Corps;
    The National services for environmental and spatial protection and development (MIPAAF, MMAT, Environmental National and Regional Agencies, Basin Authority);
  • Technical services in Regional, Provincial, Municipal Administration bodies (Environment, Territory, Agriculture and Forests, Hunting and Fishing, etc.), Mountain Communities, association of municipalities; Offices for the environmental management of National, Regional, and Provincial Nature Parks and Reserves;
  • Land reclamation and Irrigation Consortia, Mountain Catchment Basin Consortia;
  • Professional firms, companies and laboratories dealing in the sectors of Environmental and territorial management and protection and Forest management;
  • Agro-silvo-pastoral, nursery and agro-energy businesses;
  • Producers’ and owners’ organisations;
  • Companies producing and processing wood and its by-products;
  • Bodies dealing in the fields of environmental quality and certification of forest and environmental products and processes.


Each discipline taught within the course is integrated by activities carried out both in laboratory and on the field, as well as by excursions. The opportunity to earn academic credits, do a traineeship and/or write the thesis within international projects in more than 30 partner institutions all around the word.


Thanks to the excellent relationship between professors and students, the work environment is meticulous and friendly at the same time, and personal needs and expectations are taken in great consideration.


Course Coordinator:
Prof. Giuseppe Toscano

Ufficio Orientamento e Tutorato
Tel: +39 071 2203037 – 3038

The course in numbers


of students enrol in a Masters’ program in the field of forestry and environment

Even though the BA program provides the necessary professional skills to access the labour market, the vast majority of students enrol in a MA program


of Graduate students are satisfied with their study choice


of students are satisfied with professors’ clarity


of students are satisfied with professors’ availability