Department of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Sciences

Via Brecce Bianche, 12 – Polo Universitario Alfredo Trifogli, Monte Dago – Ancona
tel. 071.220.4935 –

Segreteria Studenti: tel. 071.220.4341 –

Bachelor’s Degree Courses

The course aim is to provide graduate students with the knowledge and competencies that are necessary to face the challenges of the agricultural and agri-food industry in an innovative way and through an interdisciplinary approach.
Thanks to a training portfolio that includes fundamental, specific, and professional-oriented disciplines, the course provides both, the necessary knowledge to enrol in the MA program in Forest, Soils, and Landscape Sciences, and the necessary professional skills to access the labour market.
The aim of the course is to train graduate students to perform technical tasks in the wide panorama of the agri-food supply chain and in the production and service businesses related to it.

Innovative Agricultural Systems


The course is designed to prepare students to manage the complexity of agricultural activities through a multidisciplinary approach to new and sustainable production processes. The aim of the course is to give students…

Master’s Degree Courses

The master’s degree in “Land and Agricultural Sciences” trains future experts in sustainable management of plant productions within the industry of organic and integrated agriculture.

The course trains Masters’ degree students to analyse, design, manage, valorise, and monitor the rural and mountain territories and their resources.

Course in english

The course aims to train master’s graduates able to perform advanced technical tasks and management activities in the production, processing, storage, distribution and administration of food, beverages, food supplements, functional food, ingredients, enzymes, technological aids, food additives and flavouring agents.

*NEW* Landscape, Innovation and Sustainability

Venue: Ascoli Piceno

Inter-university course Unicam | Univpm

The Course, with administrative headquarters at the University of Camerino, aims to train a professional landscape architect, recognized at an international level, who possesses multidisciplinary skills relevant to the analysis, design, planning and management of the landscape.