Medicine and Surgery
(Medicine & Technology)

Faculty of Medicine and Surgery

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Medicine and Surgery (Medicine & Technology)

Area Medicine and Surgery
Degree Code LM-41 Medicine and Surgery – Single Cycle
Language English
Admission National Admission Test no. 80 places (60 places reserved for non-EU students)
Venue Ancona
Lectures On site and on line*

* for students who still do not have a visa by the start of lessons and, therefore, are not able to physically attend classes

Features and aims of the course


The single cycle master’s degree course Medicine and Surgery also called “Medicine & Technology” offers an integrated path, combining fundamental concepts and knowledge in engineering and medicine. It belongs to the same class of the traditional course in medicine and surgery (LM/41), but it is also available as a double degree program. Specifically, to gain the Master’s Degree in Medicine and Surgery, students will need to gain 360 credits. The qualification may be supplemented by 30 additional credits, equivalent to four more integrated exams, giving students a three-year degree in Biomedical Engineering at the end of the course. At the end of the 6 years, the Medicine & Technology graduates can practice the medical profession, specialize, continue their studies to obtain a PhD or a Master’s Degree in Biomedical Engineering, perform biomedical research or work in the industrial field.


The proposed training course is organized to combine the expertise of the traditional doctor with the essential ones of the biomedical engineer, offering an integrated path between the Master’s Degree Course in Medicine and Surgery (LM/41) and the Three-year Degree Course in Biomedical Engineering (L/8). This integration is foreseen for the entire 6-years period of the course and will be achieved through the alternation of the frequency between the two cultural areas. The first 3 years will be aimed at fostering the integration between the medical and bioengineering disciplines, while the last 3 years will be mainly dedicated to the clinical training, with the possibility to use the integrated approaches learned during the first 3 years.

During the training course, students of Medicine & Technology will also acquire basic knowledge and skills in engineering, through the acquisition of 30 University Educational Credits, which exceed the 360 credits required for the Medicine and Surgery degree. In this way, the course will allow the Medicine & Technology students to request, at the end of the 6 years, the degree in Biomedical Engineering.


The Medicine & Technology graduates can work in the following settings:

  • territory medicine, either as a general practitioner or in public/private specialist clinics
  • structures dedicated to the management of chronicity, also by using the telemedicine
  • hospitals and specialist centres
  • universities and research centres
  • national and international health organizations
  • companies in the pharmaceutical and biomedical field
  • health services management structures
  • to get access to the Postgraduate Schools of the medical area.


Course Coordinator:
Prof.ssa Simona Magi

International Students’ Admission Office

Ufficio Orientamento e Tutorato
Tel: +39 071 2203037 – 3038

I numeri del corso


Occupabilità a tre anni dalla laurea


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