Data Science for Economics, Business and Finance
Area | Economics |
Degree Code | LM-56 – Economics and LM-91 – Methods and Techniques for the digital society (interclass course) |
Language |
Admission | Free – the adequacy of students’ knowledge will be tested |
Venue | Ancona |
Lectures | On site |
This new program trains experts in big data analysis and quantitative methods applied to economic, business, and financial contexts. It combines technical skills (programming, statistics, econometrics, machine learning) with advanced knowledge in business analytics and financial economics.
DSEBF master degree offers two different curricula, designed to fit your own personal professional career paths; there is a common base in both curricula: data analysis.
There is a core of courses that are common to all students. Students can specialize their study plan towards business analytics and data engineering or finance analytics and econometrics.
Designed to meet the growing demand for professionals capable of analyzing large datasets, the program collaborates with multinationals, ensuring a practical and up-to-date education. Studies confirm the importance of big data in finance and business, highlighting the need for new professional profiles.
Graduates develop tools to interpret complex data and support strategic decisions through quantitative models. The program focuses on three key profiles: Data Scientist, an expert in predictive and prescriptive analytics; Quantitative Analyst, specialized in algorithms and financial models; Market Analyst & Data-Driven Decision Maker, with managerial and analytical skills for private and public sectors. Graduate employment is 100%, with full student satisfaction.
The cross-disciplinary approach, the innovative didactic tools, the analysis of case studies and the development of projects in collaboration with private and public organizations will enable graduates to have a broad range of career options to choose from, in areas as diverse as industry, services, finance, research, public administration.
Course Coordinator:
Prof.ssa Maria Cristina Recchioni
Ufficio Orientamento e Tutorato
Tel: +39 071 220 3010 – 3038